Benefits of MembershipAs member artists of the Art Gallery of SnoValley, we are proud to be serving the Snoqualmie Valley for the sixth year. We are pleased to offer regional artists the many benefits of becoming a Collective Member artist. Display space is rented for $55 per month and all of our artists, whether displaying in 2D or 3D, enjoy these benefits:
Artist Application
Thank you for your interest in displaying your art
with the Art Gallery of SnoValley! We are looking for Display Artists for 2025. Anyone applying will be added to a review waitlist, we get together to review new applicants each quarter. However, we can always make room for Collective Members who work shifts in the gallery. Link to the form is shown below. For further information about membership, see below or email the Gallery . All artists, both 2D and 3D, rent display space for $55 per month. There are 3 Commission* rates, based on participation level.
Full Collective Member Artists work shifts in the Gallery and assist with Gallery management tasks, as well as attend meetings with full voting privileges. The Scheduler determines the necessary hours we work, which is currently 12 staffing hours (at least four 3 hour shifts) and approximately 8 task hours a month, for a total of 20 hours a month. Collective Member Task Artists and Collective Member Shift Artists commit to volunteering 12 hours per month, either doing tasks or working shifts, respectively. Full, Shift and Task Collective Members also must join the Mt Si Artist Guild (MSAG) yearly. Display (Guest) Artists simply bring their art to the Gallery to be displayed. * Commission rates: • 10% for Full Collective Member Artists who work shifts and do management tasks • 20% for Collective Member Task Artists or Collective Member Shift Artists • 30% for Display (Guest) artists who simply want to display their art To Apply: Please complete the Artist Application Online Version. The Artist Application PDF Form is also available if needed. |